The Social Media Revolution, Applied to Hypnobirthing

After viewing the Social Media Revolution video, some things became apparent as important for any social media consultant to be aware in 2013:

First, Facebook is ONE MILLION strong! FB is its own “country!”  And with 50% of the world’s population under 50 years of age, you can bet a whole lot of people are computer-friendly users.  Also, social media impacts our offline lives.  Potential Hypnobirthing users may find content about available classes online, but they will take “real time” classes and use the knowledge and tools in their labor and birth experience. 

Another interesting idea, and  one of which I was not aware, is that Gen. Y&Z consider email passe’!  Some new parents are my generation (X), but the up-and-comers are Gen Y!  Email campaigns and messages may not appeal to (or even reach) this crowd.

53% of people on Twitter recommend products in Tweets.  I’d better check on how Hypnobirthing is doing on Twitter.

A crazy 90% of consumers trust online peer reviews, while only 14% trust ads. This holds true for myself.  A review of peer reviews is warranted, and possibly some responses by Hypnobirthing Institute are warranted.  I’ll check into it.  Image

2 thoughts on “The Social Media Revolution, Applied to Hypnobirthing

  1. Heads up on images (I.E. children) Not sure if this is a personal image or not. Using children’s images that aren’t personal or bought through a legit site could pose a problem.

    My old boss/ friend (Pro-Photographer) had someone steal an image from the customer’s familie’s Facebook page. (boy that sounded confusing) The sad thing was it was an image of their child who had died at birth. We worked with an organization that donates time to photograph the infant to help the family grieve. The family posted the images in honor of their child and people stole the image and used it for their own gain. I’m sure there will be a lawsuit even though they say in the news clip that there won’t be. It’s interesting to watch:

    • Yes, that is a problem I’ve heard about before on some discussion boards and a very good thing to point out and be aware of. How unfortunate for those parents, not only because of the stolen image, but because of the context of whole situation. I, too, have a loss and would be shocked and horrified if someone stole an image of that baby. The one I posted on the blog is my living baby (so, yeah, the image belongs to me). She was a Hypnobirthed baby. 🙂

      Man, nothing is really safe on the internet, even if you have limited permissions.

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